The movie ‘Kosti’ has heroine Kajal Aggarwal, senior heroine Radhika Sarath Kumar and Kollywood star comedian Yogibabu in the lead roles. It is being released by Ganga Entertainments. On the occasion of Ugadi, the film is coming to the Telugu audience on 22nd of this month. The film is directed by Kalyan. He also impressed the Telugu audience with Prabhudeva’s ‘Gulebakavali’ and Jyothika’s ‘Jack Pot’.
‘Kosti’ is a horror comedy. It also shows the relationship between father and daughter. As for the story, namely the beautiful lady inspector. Her name is Aarti. Gangster Das escapes from jail. She vows to catch him and kill him. A few years ago, Aarti’s father Das was arrested and put in jail. While going to shoot Das, Aarti shoots someone else. You have to watch the movie to know what happened there after.
Kajal Aggarwal played the role of Aarti. Gangster Das role was played by famous director KS Ravikumar. Senior actress Urvashi and Sathyan will also be seen as cops working alongside Aarti.
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The movie has a huge cast like Ridin King Slay, Thangadorai, Jagan, Urvashi, Sathyan, Aadu Kalan Naren, Manobala, Rajendran, Santana Bharti, Devadarshini.
The head of Ganga Entertainments said, “This is a horror comedy film. It has elements of horror, comedy and thrill. There are scenes where the audience goes wild. Kajal Aggarwal has played a role that has scope for acting. Also, looked beautiful. Telugu audience will see a new Kajal. Urvashi, Yogibabu, KS Ravikumar and Manobala acted brilliantly. The young Tamil hero, who is also known to the Telugu audience, appeared in a guest role. His character will surprise the audience. Sam CS’s music is the main attraction of the film. For Ugadi this is going to be a good entertainment movie for Telugu audience. We are releasing it in theaters on 22nd of this month,” he said.